
Illuminated information system

The Illuminated information system (IIS) is a modulated, programmable system which is built into the models and connected to a computer serve. SIS enables manual or digitial presentations of the models in coordination with computer presentations, through a pre-programmed scenario.

An example of the possible use of such a system is the highlighting of individual apartments in a residential building, combined with the presentation of their layouts, visualisations and voice-over commentary.
The use of IIS isn’t only a decorative feature, but is a tool to present multiple pre-configured storylines, directly on the model, automatically and hands-free.  The system is remote controlled and monitored via informational display.

The components
of IIS

Driving module with a processor (computer)
which can regulate up to 5 separate loops

Information display
Infrared (IR) sensor
and remote control

Switching module
33 light circuits

Connecting cable
and network connection

Presentation software
(to play jpeg, avi, mpeg, waw, mp3, etc)

pk model

& exhibition models